Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of

The Information

The aim of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter “Information”) is to provide the methods of processing the personal data of the user who, for whatever reason, browses the site (hereinafter the “Site”) pursuant to the European Regulation GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) n. 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Code”), part of the European legislative framework from 25 May 2018 and in compliance with Legislative Decree 196 of 2003 (“personal data Code”), where compatible.

Here following, “User” means any natural person or digital autonomous system that accesses the Site through any technological tool equipped with an internet connection (Article 4, paragraph 1, point 1). This document is valid for all Users who interact with the Site and with the services associated with it accessible electronically, starting from the home page of or from any pages associated with the same domain.

The information may be changed in times in order to ensure transparency on the use of data in accordance with European and domestic laws, to which the Site necessarily adapts. In the event that significant changes are applied to this information, a notice will be published on the Site.

Data Controller

MACS s.r.l. (address: Via Tiburtina 912 – 00156 Roma – Italy) is the Data Controller (hereinafter the “Owner”) (Article 4, paragraph 1, point 7) that can be contacted by e-mail at or can be reached at +39 06 40500993. Data Controller can help the User and give any clarification about this Information or User’s rights as specified below.

Disclaimer liability clause

MACS srl guarantees the completeness and correctness of the Information.  However, errors, if promptly reported (it is possible to send an e-mail to the following address:, will be corrected.

This information is applied exclusively to the aforementioned Site and does not concern any other sites (hereinafter “External Sites”) accessible through links that may be present on the Site over which cannot be exercised any control by MACS srl, that also cannot assume any responsibility. In any case, Users connecting to these External Sites are invited to read those Privacy Policy documents in order to know methods and purposes of personal data processing. MACS srl invites you to report any anomalies or violations by the External Sites by e-mail to the address

This disclaimer liability clause is not aimed at avoiding Personal Data Code compliance, nor to exclude any responsibilities, but only at informing the interested party about the inherent limits to the subjectivity and ownership of powers and responsibilities.

Processing legal basis.

Data Controller processes Personal Data relating to each User if one of following conditions exists:

a) the User has given consent for one or more specific purposes; note: in some jurisdictions Data Controller can be authorized to process Personal Data without the consent of the User, until the User opposes to it. However, this is not allowed if the Personal Data processing is governed by European Legislation;

b) data Processing is necessary for the activities related to MACS srl and which, among others, may have as their object the stipulation of a contract or preliminary agreements with the User;

c) data processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation by the Data Controller;

d) data processing is necessary for the execution of a public interest activity or for the exercise of public authority by the Data Controller;

e) data processing is to pursuit a Data Controller or Users legitimate interest.

However, it is possible to ask the Data Controller to clarify the purpose of data processing.

Nature and Purposes of Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Browsing the pages of Site, Sensitive Data (hereinafter “Personal Data”) relating to users may be collected. Personal Data is defined as information that identifies or makes identifiable, directly or indirectly, a user and that can provide information on his/her characteristics, his/her habits, his/her lifestyle, his/her personal relationships, his/her status of health, his/her economic situation, etc…;

Such Personal Data may be indicated voluntarily by User, or collected automatically. Failure by the User to provide certain Personal Data may prevent the Site from providing some of its services or from reaching one of the purposes for which MACS srl operates. Despite this, in accordance with the Code, the User can continue browsing the pages of the Site.

The User is the only responsible for Personal, Sensitive Data belonging to third parties, both physical and legal persons shared, published, indicated or inserted within the Site or in one of the Forms that may be used for the typical functions of MACS srl. By communicating them, the User guarantees MACS srl regarding the faculty or the right to use them, freeing the Data Controller from any liability to third parties.

MACS srl processes the following User’s Personal Data, independently or through third parties: Name, Surname, E-mail, Telephone number, Website, Social Link, billing data (company, address, VAT number, Unique Code, PEC), payment data, usage data. Other Personal Data may be indicated in other sections of this Information. The collection, processing and use of the Personal Data of the interested party takes place only and exclusively with clear and explicit consent from the User.

Personal Data are used for the following aims:

– To access the service;

– contact the User;

– interaction with social networks and external platforms;

– management of information, comments, descriptions, expressed by the User on the Site;

– statistics on the use and recorded visits on the Site;

– fulfillment of any regulatory obligations including accounting, administrative and tax ones;

– sending by e-mail commercial communications and information relating to the activities of MACS srl;

– sending periodic newsletters, in some cases according to the preferences expressed by the interested party;

– sending periodic newsletters containing advertising, promotional and confidential offers;

– protection from SPAM;

– heat mapping and session recording;

– provision of DNS services;

Personal Data are used for purposes indicated in the specific sections of this Information.

Processing Methods

Personal Data processing takes place through the use of tools and procedures able to guarantee security and confidentiality and can be carried out both on paper or with the aid of electronic tools or third-party services, including automated ones. In order to guarantee a high standard of security, it is noted that MACS srl uses the HTTPS browsing protocol which allows secure browsing via an encrypted connection; all the passwords of users and administrators of the Site are encrypted and not visible; the technical department of the site takes care of making periodic backup copies of the entire system, protecting it from any attacks through special firewalls and safe plugins.

Data Processing treatment is carried out with aims strictly related to the purposes indicated. The Data is not processed, managed or stored for different reasons. In any case, User will always be able to independently verify, modify, delete or export the data.

In some cases, Personal Data access may be authorized in favor of externa counselors (such as Lawyers, tax advisors), or others (such as, for example, service providers third party technicians, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies), who will eventually be appointed as External Data Processors (as indicated in the appropriate section).

The place of processing of Personal Data is MACS Srl

Personal Data are exclusively processed for the necessary time to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this Information or to achieve the social and commercial purposes of MACS srl and to which the Users also adhere. Users can always ask for the interruption of the treatment or the cancellation of the data. When the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party, the owner can keep the personal data until such consent is revoked. Furthermore, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or by order of an authority. At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data has to be deleted. Therefore, at the end of this term the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to data portability can no longer be exercised.

The Personal Data that MACS srl collects are not “disclosed”. It means giving knowledge to indeterminate persons in any way, including by making them available, consulting or selling them. The circulation of data is subject to the consent of the interested party exclusively for the activities of relevance of MACS srl.

Users personal Data may instead be “communicated”. It means the disclosure of it to one or more specific persons and in the following terms:

– to persons being part of the organizational and company structure asked to process the data;

– to persons who can access the data thanks to law provisions;

– to persons who need to access data for purposes linked to the existing relationship, within the limits strictly necessary to carry out the linked tasks entrusted to them;

– to consultants, within the necessary limits to carry out their job for the Company;

Details on processing data system


Accessing this site, a temporary cookie will be set. Cookies do not contain personal data and are deleted when the browser is closed by the User. When the User logs in, several cookies will be set to save the login information and screen display options. Login cookies last for two days and screen options cookies last for one year. By selecting “Remember me”, access will persist for two weeks. If you log out of the account via the “Exit” button, the login cookies will be removed. The modification or publication of an article involves the saving of an additional cookie in the browser. This cookie does not include personal data, but simply indicates the ID. It expires after 1 day. The processing of the personal data listed above is performed by MACS srl Data Controller.

Data Management and Information

Services offered by MACS srl allow Users to formulate and disclose information. Users, depending on the settings decided by Data Controller and by the Site, cannot give anonymous information or use false or non-existent data. In the latter case, the User is the only responsible and frees MACS srl from any effect that may harm third parties. If there is an e-mail among the Personal Data released by the interested party, this could be used to send notifications of comments regarding the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their information, data and indications given. In the event that a service for placing comments is installed by third parties, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the comment service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which the comment service is installed.

  • Facebook Comments (Facebook, Inc.): Facebook Comments is a service managed by Facebook, Inc. that allows the User to leave their comments and share them within the Facebook platform. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy (

Contact Form

Contact forms are inserted in the Site, they are various in forms and types.

Newsletter and Communications

This type of service allows to manage a database of e-mail contacts, telephone contacts or contacts of any other kind, used to communicate with the User. By registering at the mailing list or at the newsletter, the e-mail address is automatically added to a list of contacts to which e-mail messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, relating to the Site and to MACS srl projects, may be transmitted. Users’ e-mail could also be added to this list as a result of registering on the Site or after making a purchase. These services may also allow the collection of data relating to the date and time of display of messages by the interested party, as well as the interaction of the interested party with them, such as information on clicks and links inserted in messages;

Social Media

This service deals with the interaction with social media. This type of service allows to make interactions with social networks, or other external platforms, directly from and to the pages of the Site. The interactions and information acquired are in any case subject to the privacy settings that the Users has provided to the Social Media. In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data relating to the pages in which it is installed;

  • Button “I Like” and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.): The ” I Like” button and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and Data of use. Place of processing: USA – (;
  • +1 button and Google+ social widgets (Google Inc.): The +1 button and Google+ social widgets are services for interacting with the Google+ social network, provided by Google Inc. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA  – (;
  • Linkedin Buttons (LinkedIn Corporation): The Linkedin buttons and social widgets are services of interaction with the Linkedin social network, provided by LinkedIn Corporation. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA – (;
  • Instagram buttons (Instragram): Instagram buttons and social widgets are interaction services provided by the platform in question and collected and processed according to the Instagram privacy policy;

External Platforms

These services allow to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the website pages of MACS srl and to interact with them. In the event that a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, it collects traffic data related to the pages in which it is installed.

  • Youtube Video Widget (Google Inc.): Youtube is a video content service managed by Google Inc., that allows this Site to integrate these contents whitin own pages. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: USA – (
  • Google Maps (Google Inc.): Google Maps is a map viewing service managed by Google Inc. that allows this site to integrate such content within its pages. Personal data collected: Cookies and usage data. Place of processing: USA – (

Access to social account

These services allow MACS srl to collect data from accounts on third party services and perform actions using them. These services are not activated automatically, but require the express authorization by the User.

  • Access to the Facebook account (This Site): this service allows this Site to connect with the User’s account on Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc. Required permissions: Sharing, Insight and Like. Place of processing: USA – (;
  • Access to the Linkedin account (This Site): this service allows this Site to connect with the User’s account on the Linkedin social network, provided by Linkedin, Inc. Required permissions: Sharing, Insight, Like and other buttons. treatment: USA – (;
  • Access to the Instagram account (This Site): this service allows this Site to connect with the User’s account on the Instagram social network, provided by Instagram, Inc. Required permissions: Sharing, Insight, Like and other Place buttons of treatment: USA – (


CONTROL AND / OR COUNTING VISITS: MACS srl can use tools and software to control traffic and the number of visits to the site. Data are used only to keep track of the User’s behavior and his interactions with the Site.


MACS srl uses cookies to improve the services offered to Users. Any direct use is not made (this means that MACS srl does not use cookies in this way, the same cookies could be used by third-party services, all listed in the Complete Cookie Policy) of cookies for the transmission of personal information.

Further information on Cookies

Users’ Rights

Users can exercise their rights related to the data processing by the Data Controller.

In particular, the Users have the right to:

eliminate consent at any time: Users can eliminate consent to the processing of Personal Data previously expressed;

avoid the processing of Personal Data: Users may avoid the processing of Personal Data when it has done on a juridical basis different from which related to the consent given.

When Personal Data are processed for the public interest, for the exercise of public authority vested in the Data Controller or to pursue a legitimate interest or right of the Data Controller, Users have the right to oppose to the processing for reasons connected to their particular situation. Interested parties are reminded that, if their Personal Data are processed for direct marketing purposes, they can oppose to the processing without providing any reasons. To find out if the Data Controller processes data for direct marketing purposes, Users can refer to the respective sections of this Notice.

access to their Personal Data: Users have the right to obtain information on the Personal Data processing by the Data Controller, on certain aspects of the processing and to receive a copy of the Personal Data processed;

– verify and request rectification: Users can verify the correctness of their Personal Data and request updating or corrections;

obtain the limitation on Data processing: if presence of certain conditions, Users may request the limitation of the processing of their Personal Data. In this case, Data Controller will not process the Personal Data for any other purpose other than their conservation;

obtain the cancellation or removal of their Personal Data: in presence of certain conditions, Users may request the cancellation of their Personal Data;

receive Personal Data or have them transferred to another holder: Users have the right to receive Personal Data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and, where technically feasible, to obtain the transfer without obstacles to a another holder. This provision is applicable when the data is processed with automated tools and the processing is based on the Users consent, on a contract of which Users are a party or on contractual measures connected to it;

propose a complaint: Users can lodge a complaint with the competent personal data protection supervisory authority or take legal action.

To exercise their rights, the interested party can address a request to

External Data Controller

This paragraph lists the External Data Controller processing Users Data on behalf of MACS srl, authorized to view, manage, modify, analyze the Data. Any other information can be requested by sending an email to

List of external controller has to be inserted

Further information

Defense in court: Personal Data belonging to Users may be used by the Data Controller in court or in the preparatory stages thereof for any violations of the law committed by MACS srl. The interested party declares to be aware of all the uses permitted by law and by this document.

Specific information: at the request made by Users, in addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, MACS srl can provide Users with additional and contextual information regarding specific services, or the collection and processing of personal data;

System log and maintenance: for needs related to the operation and maintenance of the Site, data may be collected during the system log phase.

Information not contained in this statement: further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time to the Data Controller using the contact details already indicated.

Response to “Do Not Track” requests: MACS srl does not currently support “Do Not Track” requests and does not share any data with third parties for marketing purposes.

To find out if any third-party services used support them, the User is invited to consult the respective privacy policies.

Macs srl data have to be inserted below:

MACS s.r.l.
Via Tiburtina 912 – 00156 Roma, Italy
Tel: + 39 06 40 500 993
C.F. e P. IVA: 15123311001
REA: RM – 1569331